How important are grooming and hygiene for my dog's health?

Grooming and hygiene are very important for your dog's health. Dogs need bathing, nail care, and grooming to maintain a clean, healthy appearance. Regular grooming helps keep hair and debris away from their eyes and ensures clean ears. It's an essential part of owning a dog.

Dr. Noël Lucas
Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Do all dogs require grooming?

Yes, all dogs require some level of grooming, depending on the breed and maintenance needs. Some breeds, like Bandit in the video, need grooming more frequently—every four to six weeks. Other dogs may only require a bath every one or two months. Regardless of breed, all dogs need grooming throughout their lives.

What do I need to do when grooming my dog?

The specifics of grooming depend on your dog's breed. Some dogs need their nails cared for more frequently, while others naturally wear them down by running on pavement. Dogs with long hair may require more grooming and dematting due to their hair volume. Consider your dog's breed when determining their grooming needs.

How does regular grooming contribute to the good health of my dog?

Regular grooming can prevent many health issues. By cleaning the skin and grooming the dog, you can improve their skin health. Grooming also helps owners identify parasites that might be living on the dog. Additionally, keeping the nails trimmed can prevent nail fractures and ingrown nails. Many health issues can be avoided through consistent grooming.

How often and when should I start with my puppies?

You should begin grooming your puppies as early as possible. Puppies need to be taught the basics of grooming—handling their paws, massaging the insides of their ears, and brushing their coats. Familiarizing your puppy with these basic grooming tasks will make them more likely to sit still and accept grooming as they grow older.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (615) 975-2583 , or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media,

Dog Grooming - FAQs

Dr. Noël Lucas
Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Can you bathe a dog too often?

It is a common misconception that over-bathing can dry out your dog. However, if you use a dog-appropriate shampoo without insecticides (e.g., flea and tick shampoos) and opt for a gentle formula such as aloe, oatmeal, or medicated shampoo, you can bathe your dog as often as you like, even up to once a day. This will generally not cause any harm to your dog.

Is it better to groom your dog at home or have it done by a professional?

Whether to groom your dog at home or have it done by a professional largely depends on your own confidence and ability to handle the grooming process. Most dogs will see a professional groomer, but if you have nail trimmers, clippers, and other grooming equipment, you can groom your dog at home. It ultimately comes down to your comfort level and what works best for you and your dog.

Does my dog need to be vaccinated and on flea control to go to the groomer?

Ideally, your dog should be vaccinated and on flea control before visiting a groomer. This ensures that they are protected against infectious diseases they may encounter while in close proximity to other dogs at the grooming facility. Flea and tick control is recommended to avoid contracting parasites during their grooming appointment.

If my dog has behavior problems, will they be welcomed by a groomer?

The answer to this question depends on the specific behavior problems your dog exhibits. If your dog is simply nervous or anxious, which is not uncommon for many dogs during grooming appointments, they should not be refused grooming services. You can also ask your veterinarian for calming therapy options to help them through the appointment. However, if your dog has more significant behavioral issues, such as aggression or biting, you should consult with your veterinarian before attempting to have them groomed. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your groomer ahead of time.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (615) 975-2583 , or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media,